Our IT Solutions for Businesses

Disaster Recovery

Secure your future with our IT Disaster Recovery plan, providing tailored solutions for business stability, rapid recovery, and mitigation.

Don't be a statistic. Stop disasters in their tracks.

Proactive Disaster Recovery

What is Disaster recovery plan?

Imagine this: you walk into your office one morning to find a complete shutdown.

A cyberattack, power outage, or even a natural disaster has crippled your IT systems. Without a plan, critical operations grind to a halt, potentially costing your business thousands in lost revenue and productivity.

This is where a disaster recovery plan (DRP) comes in. It’s essentially a roadmap that outlines exactly how your business will bounce back from any unexpected IT disruption.

Why is Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) so important?

Nowadays, a single day of downtime in business can be catastrophic.

A DRP minimises this risk by ensuring a swift and efficient recovery, safeguarding your reputation and keeping your business running smoothly.

Disaster Recovery Plan details steps to recover data, restore functionality, and get your team back up and running as quickly as possible.

Our IT Disaster Recovery Plan keeps your business running

Key Benefits

  • Faster Recovery: A DRP outlines clear steps for restoring critical data and systems, minimising downtime, and getting your business back on track quickly. This translates to reduced revenue loss and keeps your customers happy
  • Enhanced Business Continuity: Disasters can strike anytime, anywhere. A DRP ensures your company has a plan in place to maintain essential operations even in the face of a crisis, minimising disruption and protecting your brand reputation
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing you have a plan in place for any IT disaster provides a sense of security and reduces stress for both employees and management. This allows your team to focus on what matters most – running your business

A Defence Against Interruptions and Data Loss

What are the 4 phases of disaster recovery?

  1. Prepare before disaster strikes: Identify weaknesses and create a plan to minimise damage (Mitigation)
  2. Be ready to respond: Train your team and have clear actions for different emergencies (Preparedness)
  3. Take action during an event: Follow your plan to keep everyone safe and minimise downtime (Response)
  4. Recover quickly and learn: Get back to business and improve your plan for next time (Recovery)

Your Business Lifeline

Essential Components of Disaster Recovery Plan

Here’s what makes a disaster recovery plan so essential:

  • Identifies Your Critical Assets: The plan starts by pinpointing the data and systems that are vital to your daily operations. This could be customer records, financial data, or project files. Knowing these essentials allows for focused protection and swift recovery
  • Provides a Clear Action Plan: A well-defined plan outlines the specific steps to take for recovery. This includes tasks like restoring data from backups, getting critical systems back online, and communicating with employees and customers

Core Components for Smooth Recovery

  • Risk Assessment: This involves evaluating risks from cyberattacks, natural disasters, or power outages. By identifying these vulnerabilities, you can prioritise resources and implement preventative measures
  • Recovery Time Objective (RTO) & Recovery Point Objective (RPO): These terms define acceptable downtime and data loss after a disaster. An RTO sets the maximum tolerable time for getting your systems back up, while an RPO determines how much data loss is acceptable
  • Communication Plan: Your plan should outline how you’ll communicate with employees, customers, and vendors. This ensures everyone is informed, reducing confusion and minimising disruption

More Essential Components

  • Team Formation & Training: Assemble a team responsible for implementing the plan during a disaster. Train them on their roles and responsibilities to ensure a coordinated response
  • Data Backup & Recovery: Your plan should define the frequency and location of backups, along with testing procedures to ensure data integrity
  • Regular Testing & Updates: Regularly test your plan to identify gaps and update it to reflect changes. This ensures your plan remains effective in the face of evolving threats

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An IT disaster recovery plan (DRP) is a roadmap that outlines how your business will respond and recover from an unexpected disruption to your IT systems. This disruption could be caused by anything from a cyberattack or power outage to a natural disaster or hardware failure.

A good DRP will identify your critical data and systems, establish clear recovery procedures, and assign roles and responsibilities to your team. It should also consider factors like acceptable downtime (RTO) and data loss (RPO) to ensure a swift and efficient recovery.

Imagine a fire breaks out in your office building, damaging your servers. Your DRP would kick in, outlining steps to recover your critical data from backups stored securely off-site. This could involve accessing cloud backups or utilising a disaster recovery service provider’s infrastructure. By following the plan, your team can restore essential systems quickly, minimising downtime and ensuring business continuity.

The primary purpose of a DRP is to minimise downtime and data loss in the event of a disaster. It helps businesses get back up and running as quickly as possible, reducing financial losses and reputational damage.

A well-defined DRP also provides peace of mind for business owners and employees by ensuring everyone knows their roles and responsibilities during a crisis. This reduces confusion and allows for a coordinated response, leading to a faster and more efficient recovery.

There are three main types of disaster recovery plans:

  1. Hot site: A fully equipped off-site location with a mirrored copy of your critical systems. This allows for an almost immediate switch-over in case of a disaster at your primary location. However, setting up and maintaining a hot site can be expensive.
  2. Warm site: An off-site location with the necessary infrastructure to house your systems. However, the hardware and software may not be pre-loaded, requiring some setup time before recovery operations can begin. This offers a balance between cost and recovery time.
  3. Cold site: An off-site location with basic infrastructure like power and internet connectivity. Here, you’ll need to install all necessary hardware and software before resuming operations. This is the most cost-effective option but has the longest recovery time.

While both BCP and DRP are crucial for business preparedness, they address different aspects. A BCP focuses on maintaining critical business functions during and after an interruption. This might involve implementing temporary workarounds or utilising alternative resources to keep the business running.

On the other hand, a DRP specifically focuses on recovering your IT systems and data after a disaster.  It outlines the steps to restore critical systems and applications to ensure a swift return to normal operations.

Think of it this way: a Business Continuity Plan is your overall strategy for staying afloat during a disruption, while a Disaster Recovery Plan is a specific action plan for getting your IT systems back online.

There’s no one-size-fits-all format for a disaster recovery plan. However, a well-structured DRP typically includes these key elements:

  • Business Impact Analysis (BIA): Identifies critical business functions and the potential impact of disruptions on those functions.
  • Risk Assessment: Evaluates potential threats like cyberattacks, natural disasters, or power outages.
  • Data Backup & Recovery Strategy: Defines how and where critical data is backed up, and the procedures for restoring it.
  • Recovery Time Objective (RTO) & Recovery Point Objective (RPO): Sets acceptable downtime and data loss thresholds.
  • Communication Plan: Outlines how you’ll communicate with employees, customers, and vendors during a crisis.
  • Team Roles & Responsibilities: Assigns specific tasks and ownership to different team members during recovery efforts.
  • Testing & Updating Procedures: Defines a schedule for testing the DRP to identify gaps and updating it to reflect changes in your business or IT environment.

The main steps in IT disaster recovery can be summarised in four phases:

  1. Mitigation: Proactive measures to minimise the likelihood and impact of potential disasters. This includes actions like risk assessments, implementing preventative measures (e.g., firewalls), and creating backups
  2. Preparedness: Getting ready to respond effectively. This involves developing a DRP, training employees, and ensuring backups are up to date
  3. Response: Taking immediate action when a disaster strikes. This involves following the DRP, activating the recovery team, and restoring critical systems
  4. Recovery: Restoring full functionality and learning from the experience. This involves getting all systems back online, evaluating the DRP’s effectiveness, and making necessary improvements

While there’s no single mandated standard, Australia leverages several prominent frameworks for disaster recovery. Here are the key ones:

  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework: This internationally recognised framework offers a high-level structure for managing cybersecurity risks, including disaster recovery. It’s a valuable resource for Australian businesses of all sizes
  • Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) Essential Eight: This is a set of eight essential technical mitigation strategies to strengthen an organisation’s cybersecurity posture. While not a full DR plan, it complements existing DR activities by focusing on specific cyber threats
  • Disaster Recovery Institute International (DRII): Offers a comprehensive framework for developing and implementing effective DR plans. This framework can be adapted to meet the specific needs of Australian businesses
  • Business Continuity Institute (BCI): Provides guidance on business continuity management, which incorporates disaster recovery practices. Their resources can be valuable for Australian businesses seeking a holistic approach to preparedness

Disaster recovery for IT systems focuses on protecting your critical data and applications from unexpected disruptions. It ensures you can restore these systems quickly and minimise downtime in the event of a disaster. This involves procedures for:

  • Backing up data: Regularly creating copies of your essential data and storing them securely off-site
  • Restoring systems: Having a plan to recover your IT infrastructure and applications from backups or alternative resources
  • Testing recovery procedures: Regularly testing your DRP to ensure it’s functional and can effectively restore your systems.

By implementing a robust disaster recovery plan for your IT systems, you can ensure your business remains resilient in the face of unforeseen events.

What's your recovery time objective?

Let's build a plan to minimise downtime