Keep your business cyber secure

Cyber security training

Equip your team with the skills to prevent cyber attacks before they happen. Our program tailored to fulfil the cyber security proficiency of your entire team, increase expertise, skillset and overall capability.

How cyber secure are you?

It’s easy to improve your cyber aware!

What is cyber security awareness training?

Cyber security awareness training educates employees about the importance of protecting sensitive information and systems. It covers how to recognise and prevent cyber threats like phishing, malware, and data breaches. 

By simulating real-life cyber scenarios, the training aims to build a culture of security within businesses, making every employee a vigilant part of the company’s defence system against cyber attacks.

Why cyberaware is so crucial for any business?

Being cyberaware is vital for any business as it significantly reduces the risk of cyber incidents that can lead to financial loss, data breaches, and damage to reputation. 

It empowers employees with the knowledge to spot potential threats and act responsibly online. In an age where cyber threats are evolving rapidly, a well-informed workforce is a critical line of defence, helping to protect the business’s digital assets and maintain customer trust.

Protect your business with Netcomp security education

What you will get?

  • Grasp Cyber Jargon: Learn the language of cyber security to communicate issues effectively
  • Mobile Security Awareness: Identify and mitigate threats on mobile devices
  • Email Protection Skills: Learn techniques to secure your email from phishing and scams
  • Preventative Measures: Understand how to avoid common cyber threats
  • Hands-on Practice: Apply what you learn through real-world simulations
  • Confidence in Security: Gain the knowledge to protect your digital assets confidently
of organisations experienced a security breach due to remote work
Data breaches caused by human errors
Phishing attacks begin with an email
Increase in Data breaches in Australia

Learn more about Cyber security training for employees

Covered topics include:

  • Avoiding and Responding to Phishing Attacks: Recognise and handle suspicious emails or messages
  • Strong Password Management: Learn to create, manage, and securely store robust passwords
  • Data Protection Practices: Understand principles for securing and storing sensitive information safely
  • Protecting Sensitive Data: Strategies for protecting personal and business data from unauthorised access
  • Malware Awareness and Safe Browsing: Identify risks and maintain safe internet usage
  • Mobile & IoT Device Security: Implement security measures for smartphones, tablets, and IoT devices

Level up your cyber security

Some useful cyber security tips:

  • Think Before You Post: Consider the potential impact of sharing personal or business information online
  • Stay Informed on New Threats: Sign up for alerts from reputable cyber security news sources to stay ahead of emerging threats
  • Recognise and Report Scams: Educate yourself on the signs of scams and report any suspicious activity
  • Engage in Cyber Security Training: Regular training sessions can dramatically increase your awareness and ability to respond to cyber threats
  • Verify Email Senders: Always check if the sender’s name matches the email address to avoid phishing scams
  • Use Secure Passphrases: Opt for long, complex passwords and change them regularly

Practical ways to protect yourself online

  • Update Your Devices Regularly: Keeping software and operating systems up to date is crucial for closing security gaps
  • Set Up Regular Backups: Ensure your data is backed up regularly to avoid loss in case of a cyber attack
  • Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Adding an extra layer of security can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorised access
  • Be Vigilant for Threats: Stay alert to common cyber threats and know how to respond effectively

Which industries are most susceptible to security incidents?

According to the lates report from Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC), the top 5 sectors to notify data breaches include:

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Cyber security training typically involves a comprehensive program that educates employees about various cyber threats, such as phishing, malware, ransomware, and social engineering attacks. This training includes understanding the basics of internet safety, password security, email security, and how to securely handle and share sensitive information. It also covers the importance of regular software updates and how to use security tools like firewalls and antivirus software. The goal is to empower employees to be the first line of defence against cyber threats.

The three main areas in security awareness training are:

  • Identification: Learning how to recognise potential cyber threats such as phishing emails, suspicious links, and unusual requests for information
  • Prevention: Understanding the practices that can prevent cyber attacks, including secure password creation, the use of multi-factor authentication, and safe internet browsing habits
  • Response: Knowing how to respond appropriately to a cyber incident, including whom to report the incident to and steps to mitigate any damage
  • Use strong passwords and change them regularly
  • Be wary of phishing emails and suspicious links
  • Keep your software and systems up to date
  • Back up your data regularly
  • Limit the amount of personal information you share online
  • Use secure and encrypted connections, especially when handling sensitive information

Being cyberaware means having an understanding and awareness of the cyber threats that exist online and how they can affect you and your organization. It involves being knowledgeable about safe online practices, such as securing your devices, recognising phishing attempts, and protecting sensitive information. Being cyberaware is crucial for individuals and organisations to protect themselves from cyberattacks and data breaches.

Employees should undergo cyber security awareness training at least annually to stay updated on the latest cyber threats and safe practices. However, for industries facing higher risks or those frequently targeted by cyberattacks, more frequent training or continuous learning programs are recommended. Regular updates and reminders about specific threats or incidents can also help maintain awareness and vigilance.

Ready to get started?

Find out how Netcomp can help your business to manage risk, respond to incidents and build cyber aware.